Forrest Gump: 1994

For movie that is based on a man with I.Q of 75, who goes on to be involved in every major incident in America between the 1950s and 1980s, it is quiet a remarkable story. The movie is directed by Robert Zemeckis. He is known for creating a special effects as we saw in the “Back to the Future Trilogy”. He manages to place the main character in historic situations with the actual people who were involved in that time. The story begins with a man named Forrest Gump, played by Tom Hanks. While waiting for a bus, Forrest talks about the experiences he encounters during his life. Forrest is born in Alabama, where he lives with a mother who does everything in her path to make him feel equal. She makes Forrest wear braces on his legs in order to improve his posture. When people refer Forrest to been as stupid, his mother makes him feel better by saying how “stupid is as a stupid does”. Over a period of time, Forrest acquires the ability to run and soon afterwards gains a college scholarship for playing football. After graduating from college, Forrest goes to achieve great things. He becomes a war hero by receiving a Medal of Honor for saving his squad. He becomes a ping pong champion and by doing so becomes the first person to visit China. Forrest also goes on to run a famous shrimping company. Due to his ability to run, Forrest runs from one side to America and back again. It is quiet a remarkable tale as he manages survive every ordeal by being himself. I thought the story line was clever. A young Forrest teaches a young Elvis to swivel his hips, he goes on the Dick Cavett show with John Lennon. While visiting Washington after Vietnam, he speaks at peace rally. For a movie of this nature, I would give it a rating of 4/5 because it had everything like comedy, drama and romance. As Forrest would say, “Life is like a box of chocolates”.

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